Rocco’s blog

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Creative Sound Projects


What is Soundgrain?

Soundgrain is a graphical interface where users can draw and edit trajectories to control granular sound synthesis.

Ajax sound studio’s description

Soundgrain is a visual granular synth, where you can select certain grains to loop. This is done by drawing lines onto the drawing surface, then the audio will play on these lines and loop when the play button is pressed.

Soundgrains interface

How to use Soundgrain

There are two main sections, the drawing surface and the controls.

The drawing surface shows the loaded audio file and allows lines to be drawn onto it.

While the controls control, the playback, drawing and effects. The controls have

  • Drawing options – effects the drawing surface and how the lines come out
  • Playback options – effects the playback speed and playback amplitude
  • 4 band EQ
  • Dynamic compressor
  • Global amplitude
  • Project settings – settings for the sampling rate and amount of channels
  • Start and stop
  • Record settings

Soundgrain can also be toggled with MIDI by using the top bar. On this bar, effects can also be used.

List of all the effects

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