Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site

Sonic Doing and Thinking

Flickerman SFX

The Flickerman audio drama was quite enjoyable, the voice actors, story and sounds were pleasing enough were I was invested by the end. Here are some notes on the sound design and what I found the most interesting, hopefully using some of these on my own projects.

First thing I heard was faint white noise, combined with the background noise of a coffee shop, creating a believable environment.

When you were asked to search for something, the keyboard typing was an enjoyable sound alongside the interesting idea of searching these images up.

Music always had a purpose and was played either when something specific was happening or said. For example, when the narrator says silence and stops speaking afterwards, music comes in as the word is said.

Voices in this audio drama were slightly panned, to give off a sense of where people are in relations to each other and you.

In the fight and when it is more tense, a high tone is playing to create tension alongside the sounds of people fighting and yelling. Irregular drums and more sounds combine to build up this tension leading up to a large explosion. Just before this explosion and after when “the whole world was ripped to pieces” was said, there is a 4/5 second silence then a reversed gunshot into multiple explosions, screams and horns playing, creating multiple car explosions audibly.

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