Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site

Sonic Doing and Thinking

Folk Break

For the Sonic doing and thinking unit, myself and my peers are collaborating to create a radiophonic project. We decided on a theme, being absurdism. Because of this, we each created different tracks and combined them together, making the entire project sound all over the place and absurd.

Because of this, I was contemplating what I should create. Just before the brief was handed out, I got myself a Baglama (which I wrote a previous blog post about) and wished to use it in this. After some thought, wouldn’t a Turkish folk song in the middle of people pushing rocks, synthesised creations and weird advertisements seem out of place? This is precisely my thinking, which in turn is why I made this.

For recording, I had a live setup where I was playing the Baglama and my father was playing the Cajon. I recorded myself with a contact mic, the Cajon with my TASCAM DR-40X field recorder and an overall ambient recording with a Shure SM58.

Below is a video going into depth about how I made, mixed and mastered this piece, along with my creative process and thinking.

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