Rocco’s blog

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Professional futures

Video game sound design and future prospects

I feel like it would be useful to look at game sound design and how I would do this after uni. Below are some ideas for 3 key areas that I have thought of, Education, Employment and Freelance.



After looking at some courses (bachelor’s and master’s), I feel like it isn’t for me. I have been at university for 3 years already, and I just want to do stuff now instead of learning for another 3 years instead.


I found quite a few internships in video game sound design while looking at jobs.


Looking into jobs, I have the qualifications but not the experience that is required for a lot of these jobs. While I probably could get a job in a small indie company or as a junior sound designer, it would be difficult, and I don’t think I have the required skill currently. Because of this, I currently think either freelance or an internship would be the best thing for me.


Seems there are a few websites to freelance on, but it’s a topic I will need to look into more before I decide if it’s the path I want to go down. But freelance would fill my portfolio and give me better experience before I go into a full-time audio job.

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