Rocco’s blog

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Professional futures

Reflection of Year 3

While im technically still in the third year, I’m nearly done and have a few topics I can talk about. Moving on from Year 2, I had a good idea of what I wanted to do in Year 3, and that was to make something. This was because I made my exhibition and enjoyed that process. I decided to make an instrument for my portfolio unit because of this. While a sound sculpture and an instrument are quite different, I just wanted to make a sonic object.

I haven’t spoken about my essays and written assignments much, but this is because I don’t take pride in my writing. I can, of course, write, but it’s not my strong suit. For my dissertation, I decided to follow my path of sociology and psychology in sound and history, delving into a topic I originally found over a year ago when writing my year 2 audio paper (which was on the history of sonic warfare). Here, I wrote about the Nazis, how they prosecuted jazz and similar issues that music still faces. I enjoyed researching for this paper but found it difficult to do. In contrast, I should have done a better topic which was easier to write and was more useful to my practice, but I’m happy with what I did and learnt a lot while writing it.

On top of this, my love of video game sound design has come back after working on another project with a friend of mine nearer the start of the year. I had more creative freedom and was able to work closely with the team, which I preferred. Because of this, I would like to look more into game sound design and future prospects I could potentially do.

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