Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site

Professional futures

Reflection of Year 1

Back in Year 1, I remember I came into this course primarily wanting to go into game sound/music design. However, by the end of the year, I wasn’t too sure. Year 1 was weird for me and everyone else in the year due to covid and the lockdown, which made studying, learning and creating difficult. Because of these issues, the marking scheme was changed, so you could either pass or fail. I was able to pass the entire year, but I’m still not sure how this affects the end result, as years 2 and 3 are marked normally (ABCDF).

For uni, I made a song, made a piece for the radio, a collaborative piece and wrote an essay. I enjoyed doing all these tasks, and they forced me out of my comfort zones (except for the first song). This year I kept trying to make something new that would stand out from everyone else’s music, and I believe I did that. I worked with groups which are new to me and designed concepts with them. I used many of the skills I learnt in Year 1 in Year 2, especially the collaborative elements.

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