Rocco’s blog

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Contemporary Issues in Sound Art

The creative sound piece inspirations.

For this piece, i was mostly inspired by Julia Schauerman’s Metalworks which I was shown in her lecture. Her process was intuiging to me, using construcion work slowed down to create a low and textural timbre for the rest of the peice to be put on top. I used the same program to slow sounds, PaulStretch, to slow down some glass instruments. Doing this created huge ambiences and my entire piece was inspired from that.

Some other inspirations would be;

Aeons – Karnivool. The intro to this song sums up my entire piece, atmospheric, using guitars and drums with heavy effects to add onto the atmosphere. Whilst the song changes from the atmospheric introduction, it helped inspire my creative process.

They Move Below – Meshuggah. This progressive song turns from a single clean guitar into a full death metalcore piece. I mostly enjoy how the song changes and use similar motifs throughout its 9 minutes. Along with this, the high guitar in my piece is inspired from this band.

Kingdoms (G) – Sunn 0))). This piece used heavy fuzz to create a soundscape. The bends and discordant notes turned to harmonies are inspired from this piece.

Doom 2016 soundtrack – Mick Gordon. The ambient pieces in this track use synthesisers and guitars with heavy effects on top to create the entire pieces. These pieces inspired the use of guitars in this piece and pushed me to find the other tracks.

One thought on “The creative sound piece inspirations.

  • Hi Rocco, I am so pleased that my process for creating MetalWorks inspired you. Thank you for saying so. Best wishes Julia


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