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Contemporary Issues in Sound Art

Music censorship in some cultures

Around the world, there are still many countries that ban certain forms of music. Whether it’s just a characteristic/theme in the music itself or an entire genre, music censorship is still prevalent today.


In 1979, the Islamic revolution established a theocracy in Iran. A theocratic government is led by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided [1], causing Iran to be solely led by religion. One rule implemented by this is a complete ban on music (since 1979), along with a ban on female dancing and singing (since 1997). While there is an underground music and art scene, there is nothing legally allowed.


While music is legal in China, there are many laws to regulate what is allowed. China has banned or condemned any artist who supports Tibetan independence or is against China. Banning songs such as Chinese Democracy – Guns N’ Roses, Legacy – Pet Shop Boys and several Chinese artists for supposedly promoting innapporopitate behaviour. Along with this, Björk, Kraftwerk, Maroon 5, Oasis and Lady Gaga have been banned from China due to their support of Tibetan independence and the Dalai Lama.


The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) is an organisation that administers what is broadcasted on radio and television. Banning several songs due to their themes and language. While this organisation is not too bad, only banning particularly bad songs, it’s still a notable form of music censorship in a first world country.


Most notably, Malaysia bans all music with vulgar lyrics. Along with this, some concerts have been banned due to the themes of their music.

North Korea

Here, all foreign music is banned and any old North Korean music that does not fit the current standards is banned too. All lyrics and song that is made and played in North Korea is regulated and banned if anything is wrong. This forces a large number of people in North Korea to pirate music illegally where they could face serious consequences. For example, someone was caught watching K-Pop and faced the death penalty or 15 years in a labour camp.

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