Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site

Professional futures

How will I advertise my practice in the future?

An issue with my work is the lack of advertisements. The main reason why is that I’ve never felt like my work is good enough to be advertised, but whenever I do try and advertise, I get three times the listeners.

The easiest way to advertise my work is via social media like Instagram or Twitter. Instagram allows for easy advertising with an inbuilt advertisement system; using this, I could reach a much larger amount of listeners. Similarly, Twitter has the same feature with advertisements. I think this would be an easy and useful step for my work. Along with this, I need to make social media accounts dedicated to my work if I want to do this successfully.

Furthermore, I need to actually perform more or showcase my work. Doing this will slowly but surely get your name out there just by performing. This will also allow me to network with similar artists and hopefully get the chance to perform with them.

I think for now, I just need to get out and actually showcase my art and advertise it better on social media. It’s simple but effective and all I need for now.

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