Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site


Where to get materials

For my project, I need sustainably sourced materials. Because of this, it’s important to think of what materials I need before making to understand where to get them. The body and majority of the parts will be made of wood. The sliders will be made of some sort of metal piping, such as copper piping. That’s the main bulk of materials I will be using, so now I need to consider where to get them.

Materials that are going to be thrown away are what I’m looking for, to give them another life so they don’t get thrown away. After speaking to a few people, I was able to find some wood and copper piping. One of my friend’s parents recently did an extension and had a few leftover boards I could use. These boards are in great condition and perfect for this project; the only issue is they have a few holes and are painted white. With the piping, someone else I know is a plumber, and I asked if I could have some scrap copper pipe.

With this, I should have all the materials I need. But, if I did not know anyone, the best place to get these parts would be at recycling centres, scrap yards or online (I found a lot of people selling scrap wood online).

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