Rocco’s blog

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Issues with soldering

Probably the biggest issue and setback I am currently having is soldering. The circuits work on a breadboard but don’t when soldered. The only reason I can think of is that my soldering skills are not good enough.

Currently, I am using an old soldering iron and some thin solder. This works, but I think I need a new solder tip, as it’s either not melting anything or doing it instantly. Along with this, I am using a solderable breadboard. These work, but stripboard may be better for what I’m doing, as solderable breadboards are more expensive.

Looking at soldering itself a bit more, I think I need a new solder iron tip (as stated before). Maybe one that’s made more for smaller work would be more desirable.

Currently, I have 4 failed solder attempts. But each time, I get better and better, so I guess it’s a good way of practising.


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