Rocco’s blog

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Area of praxis exercise in the lesson

What is your central area of praxis relating to your prototype?

My central areas are experimental instruments and electroacoustic recording. Looking at how experimental instruments function and are recorded.

Why are you interested in this?

I am interested in the unusual instrumentation, how they’re designed, conceived and how they’re used or what for. This was mostly inspired by Sami Elu’s intriguing instruments.

Initial idea:

Creating an experimental instrument, using motors to excite strings. With this, I would create an EP exploring this instrument.

3 useful sources:

Getting started in electronics / by Forrest M. Mims III. – this is a basic guide on how to get into electronics, this should help as a large portion of my instrument is electronically controlled.

Art or sound / curated by Germano Celant. – this book looks at art that uses sound and its history, but also looks at experimental instruments that are more similar to art installations. This book will be good for case studies of other unusual instruments.

Sarah Nicolls: Inside Out Piano – A documentary looking at how Sarah Nicolls turned her piano into an experimental device. “Here, Sarah performs on her own invention: the inside-out piano. To create this instrument, Sarah transformed an upright piano, removing its insides and adding microphones and other noise-making devices.” This will be good as a case study and example of an unusual instrument.

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