Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site


sound with wind

While looking at some sound sculptures and installations, I found multiple that use wind or water to create sound and are permanent structures. An example of this is The Singing Ringing Tree by Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu of Tonkin Liu, and plastic souls by Staalplaat Soundsystems. Both of these use either wind or water to create sound. I thought about how I would create something like this, what would it look like and how would it work?

My idea was to have a fan with a pipe on it, to create sound. I had a fan and PVC pipe laying around so I put them together, the video below is this experiment.

The noise is too faint for it to sound interesting, but the idea of having multiple fans with many pipes attached to them as they rotated, I thought could be an interesting-looking idea. I would need to attach multiple pipes to a fan to see how it sounded, but it could work for a sound installation.


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