Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site


Use of AI for inspiration

In the week one lesson, one concept that inspired me was the use of AI images to inspire. While a lot of these images wouldn’t be used, all it takes is one or two images to fall down the rabbit hole.

One idea I was inspired by from class was an alternative universe with synthesisers from the 1800s, resembling a weird amalgamation of looms, tables and synthesizers. But one image looked like an extremely tall speaker, with the cone right at the top. this got me to think of ideas like this, leading to my obelisk idea. A stone obelisk that resonates sound. This could be done with surface transducers, like my metal forest installation but on a bigger scale and with a different material. While I’m not sure it would work, I’m sure it would be visually impressive.

Ai generated obelisk
Early sketches

While this is one idea, I may use this in the future to try expanding a visual idea.

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