Rocco’s blog

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Specialising and Exhibiting

Sound installations that have inspired me

I really enjoy pieces that are full of texture and noise, a lot of these pieces are drones but I feel like the sound they produce is amazing to hear. With this idea, I want to have this installation be inspired by my previous work on the topic, which means focusing on noise, interference and speakers.

The first installation I’ve chosen is Zimoun’s piece in Le Centquatre, Paris, France 2017, this uses 658 machines of cotton balls hitting cardboard in an encapsulated space. I love this piece because it’s taking a small sound and makes it huge, creating an amazing atmosphere of sound.

The second installation is Jacob Kirkegaard’s 4 Rooms, where a room was recorded, then played back into the room then recorded again. This process happened 10 times, creating a drone compromised of room tones. I love the simplicity of this piece but I adore the outcome even more.

The 3rd installation is called Kinetic Speakers by Pe Lang, it uses 8 speakers that are controlled with motors and sensors, allowing them to rotate freely. There are microphones around the space, the combination of the two allows the speakers to discover the acoustic qualities of the space. Quoting from the page “Rather than the listener adapting to the acoustic situation, here the acoustic situation is adapted to the listener.” While this is quite an advanced piece, I love the rotating speakers and think this idea could be used somewhere else for an amazing sound.



Jacob Kirkegaard

Pe Lang

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