Rocco’s blog

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Sound Studies & Aural Cultures

Creating the sonic backgrounds for the audio paper

This blog will go by each section of my audio paper and talk about the sound used.


I used a WW2 soundscape and layered an air raid siren on top, this sounds like WW2 and works quite well.


The historical anthem of nazi Germany was used in this part, as they were promoting music like this.

Ban of jazz

1920 german jazz is being played through this section, due to the topic.

V1 flying bomb

Starts with a recording of a V1 flying, but once the recording ends I have a wind recording and my own field recording of a field just to fill the space.

Tape recorder

I recorded and layered 3 button sounds to get the right sound. Then Analogue reel to reel noise plays for the rest of the section due to the topic of this section.

Sonic weapons

This starts off with a wind recording, followed by ambience of warfare. When talking about how it worked and infrasound, I decided to make it alive by adding a low sub bass for a small duration.

when talking about the LRAD, the previous soundscape ends and an ambience of protestors plays instead, due to the primary use of LRADs.


For the conclusion, I used the same field recording of a field just in the background of the piece. This sounds much better than just my voice talking at the end.

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