Recording the audio paper
Now that my script is complete, I attempted recording the entire paper. I did this in sections, rather than one continuous take, so I could have each section be perfect. I tried to keep my voice mostly unedited, with only a noise reducer and small EQ to boost the higher frequencies due to my lower-pitched voice.
I did try putting some effects onto my voice when talking about the tape recorder so it sounded like I was on the tape, but it wasn’t how I wanted it to sound and my voice was getting hard to hear. Because of this, I decided not to do this.
After recording, I realised the piece didn’t flow too well and only realised this while editing. Because of this, I decided to add some connectors at the end of each subject. This does mean ill have to rerecord those paragraphs but the outcome of the piece will be improved.
After doing all the vocals, the piece is around 7 minutes long. This does not include effects, atmos and music which might change the time closer to 8 minutes.