Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site

Sound Studies & Aural CulturesVisiting Practitioner

Sam Auinger

Seeing his approach to large scale site-specific sound work in cities was fascinating. I was intrigued by his work SONIC VISTA, working with O+A and Bruce Odland on the Deutschherrenbrücke. The idea of harmonising a city is such an interesting idea and forcing people to stop on the bridge to take in the cities sound was something I have never thought of, with this project arising a question of “what can you hear, when you really listen to your city?”

I enjoyed listening to this piece, whilst sounding like an amalgamation of drones, I could tell they were all sounds in a city being: aeroplanes, helicopters, cars, people, construction and other similar noises. This makes me wonder about all the interesting sound there is out there, and if I’m not hearing it because I’m so used to it.


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