Interference live and the harmonic issues
I want to perform my spatialisation piece live, but doing so creates a few issues. Mainly the lack of harmony and individual notes which the edited version has a plethora of.
My first thought was to create a resonance in front of the mic which would turn into harmony. I tried a lot of different metallic objects and exciters to get this sound.

Because none of these really worked, i attempted my second idea; to play a constant tone that would be pitch shifted. Firstly to see if this worked, i got a tone generator on my phone and played it into the microphone and this worked really well. Due to this, i went onto ableton and added a constant drone to the piece, which i would remove to export but keep when played live. This gave the piece harmony again, but was still mostly noise.
To get the sound i want, i need to mix the two ideas. Im thinking of overlapping them to really combine the harmony and noise i want. This also means it could be an octophonic sound piece instead of quadraphonic.