Rocco’s blog

Just another myblog.arts site

SpatialisationSpecialising and Exhibiting

Noise, pitch modulation and feedback

In relation to my previous blog, I decided to go more into the feedback idea. This time playing with effects to completely change the sound of the feedback.

Effects from the video

Due to the pitch shifter being of quality, this distorts the sound and gives it a more harmonic overall sound.

My next thought was how could I make a score out of this concept? three ideas came into mind:

Having the interference in one channel and a score for the other channels.Probably the easiest to do, but it feels like a waste of a good idea.
Having all channels be interference. Using the microphone to articulate the sound based on the score.Would either sound amazing, or terrible. Would have to test this out to find out.
Having all channels be interference, but using the pitch shifter to modulate all speakers; creating an “interference orchestra”.once again, could sound amazing or terrible; but I have a better feeling of this one working. Also easier to test how good it sounds.

To create my interference orchestra, I need an easy way to modulate and harmonise multiple channels at once. I could automate this using a daw but then I need an easy way to modulate the plugin I was using. to get over this issue, I installed Ableton’s “Max 7 pitch and time machines”. This allowed easy automation within Ableton’s limits.

Using Ableton’s automation lanes, I can create a digital score for the pitch shifters to follow.

I love how this sounds and want to do this for this project. While I like the other two ideas, this orchestra of noise is more preferable to me.

I need to try this out with more speakers and attempt to create a prototype of the exhibition.

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