Spatialisaion score drafts
My main idea and concept are to create an installation I don’t have to interfere with and think having speakers/mics around the installation so the sounds people make would be amplified and brought into the installation. Having 4 speakers is what I’m mainly thinking of, but having more could add more texture to the performance
Linking to the first year; (, I was wondering if I could use interference in this score.
My initial idea is to have a multichannel mic with speakers pointing towards it, whilst outputting the picked up audio to the speakers. This allows lots of interference but not much control.

Having one speaker outputting this interference would allow control over the others but still have the drone of interference.

This setup allows control over two speakers, yet has a consistent drone with interference and surrounding objects.
For a score, I’m thinking of samples being revolved and moved around. not too sure what the samples are of yet, but something in that vein.

Something like this could allow two channels to be controlled by other variables. Whilst the other two channels can be controlled digitally, using either samples, performance or another medium.